
Bowmen Archery Introductory Course
The Bowmen Archery Introductory Course (BAIC) is a day event that we try and hold once a month. Please look through our Club Calendar Page to find the date of the next course. For all enquiries contact John Ward 0413 610 509 or email at bookings are essential and places are limited. The age restriction for the Introductory Course is eight years and above. Children from 8 to 15 must be accompanied by an adult.
You do not need to be a member of the club or ABA to attend the course.
Instructor Fee's
Adults $50 each
Child $50 first child under 15years
Additional Child $30 each
Family of 4 $150. save $30
Please remember to bring Hat, Water, mozzie repellent and enclosed shoes must be worn. Lunch is provided, but as it is a long day, feel free to bring along extra lunch or snacks.
We muster at 8.30am and will start at 9 am (sharp) with a small introduction and safety briefing, we will cover some of the basics. Everyone will start with a recurve bow (supplied for the day) to practice and develop form basic's.
After a small break, anyone interested, will have the opportunity to shoot a longbow as well as a compound bow (also supplied). Following this, there will be more time to practice.
As lunch is included in the price, we will be having a BBQ around midday. However, soft drink cans will be available for purchase, $2 per can.
After lunch and some further shooting practice, we will split up and shoot approximately five targets on the Course and finish at around 1 pm.
By the end of the day archers will have an understanding of the basics of archery, they will also get a feel for the club and what field archery is all about.
You will receive a Certificate of Achievement at the completion of the course.
After the Bowmen Archer Introductory Course
After the completion of the Introductory Course you are more than welcome to attend three club shoot days (within a three month period) prior to joining the the club without fees. Equipment is provided.
After the probation three free shoots within the three month period, There is a range fee for non members of $10 an adult (18y & above) and $5 junior (under 18years)
We also have equipment hire Bow & Arrows (4) $10.
We make sure we place new archers with experienced club members that can help you gain confidence in the sport. This way, we hope you will get more enjoyment out of the sport, make you feel safer and give you a goal to aim for.
Once you have completed the Introductory Course, you can join the club then you are entitled to shoot the range when it is open. Club Membership includes all range fees. Equipment hire prices still apply to members.
Competent Archers
If you are a competent archer, then please contact the club PR Officer John who will arrange a time to go through the "new member competency" check.
Visitors are welcome to come on Club shoot days by arrangement with a committee member.