About us

The Sunshine Coast Bowmen has been the Coast's number 1 Archery club for more than 35years with a member count of over 300. We are a group of enthusiastic field archers from many different backgrounds brought together by their common interest in archery.
With club shoots held most Sundays and branch shoots held monthly, there is a large scope for members to attend shoots. Beginners are well catered for with club equipment available for instructing or rental until you decide what equipment you wish to shoot.
The club has a large practice range from 6 to 60 mtrs and a IFAA practice range from 20feet to 80yards. We have two 20 target ABA ranges as well as a 14 target IFAA range (under construction). The club has a three ANAA (Austrailian National Archery Assoc.) coaches as well as an Australian Archery Instructor.
The club has members who shoot just about every sort of archery gear available, from the simple stick and string of longbow and recurve to the very latest compound bow with all the accessories. So, you will probably find a like minded soul in our group. Some members travel quite a bit to competitions and test their skill against the best in the country and occasionally international shooters.
We have some of Australia's top Archers shooting local comps, State titles, National events and International Field Archery and World Archery competitions.
Archery has no boundaries and can be enjoyed by people of all ages and physical capabilities. If you just want a fun way to spend Sundays with the family or you want to be more competitive you will be welcome at the Sunshine Coast Bowmen.