Covid-19 updates


  • DO NOT come to the Club if you are feeling unwell, or showing any COVID-19, cold or flu like symptoms.
  • DO NOT come to the Club if you have been in contact with any confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19.
  • DO NOT come to the Club if you have returned from overseas in the last 14 days.
  • DO NOT come to the Club if you have returned from a COVID hotspot in the last 14 days.
  • Members and Visitors MUST sign in at the front gate, and then MUST sign out when they leave. Please bring your own pen, or if you use a Club pen, please put in the container marked ‘used’.
  • There will be a separate COVID Sign-in Register that Members and Visitors MUST complete when filling out their score card.
  • Members and Visitors are to provide their own insect repellent.
  • There will be hand sanitiser at the Club at various sanitising stations. Please use regularly.
  • There are posters on hand washing techniques and hand rub techniques placed in appropriate areas. Please follow instructions.
  • There will be NO sharing of any equipment. If you require the use of any Club Equipment, please email prior to the shoot. There will be no use of Club equipment unless arranged prior to the shoot. We will not have time on the morning of the shoot to be cleaning and preparing equipment.
  • Social distancing rules still apply 1.5m.
  • Groups will be no more than 5, and families are encouraged to shoot in the one group.
  • There is to be one nominated Score Recorder per group, and no-one is to hold the clipboard at any time for the Score Recorder.
  • Archers are to pull their own arrows from the targets and call out their score to the Score Recorder. Archers are to use hand sanitiser provided.